Enjoy the outdoors and luxury. Here are glamping tips for those choosing a resort and for those who want to take their camping up a notch.
Travel Technology Made Simple: Convenience and Security
Travel technology need not be complicated to be effective. Here are two apps that go a long way and make travel technology simple.
How to Take a Great Selfie and Why
Here are 8 tips for taking great selfies. Selfies are important in life as well as in solo travel. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Travel Solo into Nature: 10 Great Cities to Get You There
To travel solo into nature is enriching, grounding, and healthy. Here are 10 great cities that have natural beauty within and nearby.
Benefits of a Coach Tour: My Morocco Trip
There are so many ways to travel. On my trip to Morocco I truly saw the benefits of a coach tour. All photos on this post were taken through the bus window.
How to Survive Jet Lag: Symptoms, Remedies & Prevention
Jet lag can be a serious problem. Here are jet lag symptoms, remedies and tips for prevention to help you through it.
Password Management for Travel: What, Why & Easy Setup Guide
Password management for travel is really important. Secure, safe and easy to use, this is the tool I use while traveling and at home.
Bike Tours for Solo Travelers: Smart Tips and What Not to Worry About
Cycling is a great way to experience a destination. Here’s what you need to know about bike tours including tips for organized and self-guided bike trips.
Long-term Travel Guide: Slow Travel One Destination or Tour Many
Long-term solo travel can be a real challenge. Where to go. How to pack. Budgeting. Packing. Managing your money. Loneliness! There’s a lot to consider.
Going to the Spa Solo: Favorite Water Treatments Indoors and Out
Going to the spa solo is a fabulous experience. Here are a few water treatments I’ve experience solo in Canada, Japan and Jordan.
Travel Deeper: 12 Tips to Help You Connect with Locals
Meeting locals is one of the best ways to really dig deep into a culture as you travel. Here are 10 ways to make that local connection.
Top Tips for Solo Snowbirds
Here are solo travel tips for snowbirds. Advice and a checklist for managing your finances, insurance, your home and more while you travel south.