Winter road trips alone can come with a few hazards: snow, ice, and wind. And sometimes the perfect storm: all three at once.
If you're planning to take a winter road trip solo, you need to be extra cautious. It can challenge even experienced drivers.
I learned to drive in the winter. Part of my driver education classes involved going to an empty parking lot and intentionally losing control and learning how to regain it. Learning to drive in winter gave me confidence.
However, over-confidence in your driving skills can work against your safety in winter. When I have driven in bad winter storms I've noticed that many of the vehicles that end up in the ditch are those with four-wheel drive. This brings me to the most important tip I have for you.
Top Tip for a Solo Winter Road Trip
My number one tip for a winter road trip alone is to respect Mother Nature. She's in control of the conditions, you must be in control of your car.
Automotive technology has developed to make driving in all conditions more safe. But, technology can't keep your car under control under all circumstances. Four-wheel drive is great for accelerating in snow but not for slowing down. ABS brakes (anti-lock braking system) are great for bringing your car to a smooth, non-skid stop but there still needs to be enough road between you and the next vehicle to stop you in time. You need to drive with control of your car at all times.
In bad weather conditions, drive with great care, slowly, as if a very expensive glass of champagne is sitting on the seat beside you that you dearly want to drink at your destination.
We'll get into how to stay in control below.
How to Prepare Your Car for a Winter Road Trip
- Take your car in for a winter tune-up. You'll need to tell your mechanic that you're going on a winter road trip alone and to pay special attention to the:
- heater, defroster, brakes, lights, oil levels, and exhaust system.
- condition of the tires. Make sure they are in good shape and read tip 2 below.
- quality of your windshield wipers. This is important as worn out wipers will smear ice on your windshield rather than clean it off.
- anti-freeze in the radiator. A car traveling in winter can't survive without anti-freeze in the radiator.
- Winter tires are a must. If you're going into snow country, you'll need winter tires. For some trips in the mountains, tire chains may be useful but pay attention to local recommendations on this. Chains are hard on roads and they are often prohibited.
- Get roadside assistance. If you have AAA or CAA you'll be fine in North America. If not, consider buying it. Both organizations offer a lot of peace of mind for the price plus there are additional benefits like discounts on hotels.
Planning a Road Trip in Winter
If you drive in snowy weather on a regular basis many of these tips will be familiar but there's no harm in reiterating them here.
- Check the weather forecast. It's so obvious but so important. Even if you can't change your travel plans by a day or two, changing your driving schedule by an hour or two could make a very big difference to your safety and enjoyment.
- Set a reasonable pace. In summer, with clear roads, you may plan for long days of driving. Plan for shorter driving days in winter for two reasons: 1) there are fewer hours of sunlight in the winter and 2) winter driving can be more tiring. Also, a 6-hour day on the road in winter can put you into a whole new weather system. Set reasonable expectations.
For more road trip planning information read Road Trip Alone with Confidence: 10 Tips for a Great Trip.
Packing Essentials for a Winter Road Trip Alone
1. Really good sunglasses.
A bright sunny day is made brighter when the sun bounces off the snow. Make sure you have good quality sunglasses with you. According to Helen Siomos of Eye Candy Opticians in Toronto, under winter driving conditions “a brown or amber lens is best for contrast and polarized lens with back side antiglare” are recommended.
2. Mobile phone and charger for the car.
You'll need a portable charger that plugs into a USB port or what was once, and now rarely is, a cigarette lighter. In case of emergency you don't want your phone to run out of power.
3. Map and GPS.
I think it's important to have both a paper map and a GPS when setting out on a winter road trip. The latter is great for most circumstances but should the GPS maps be out of date or should it have trouble accessing the satellite, you'll still need to know where you're going and that will require a paper map. Plus, the map with your route highlighted makes a great souvenir of the trip.
4. Extra windshield washer fluid.
Top up your windshield washer reservoir before leaving and have an extra bottle with you. If you hit sleet or a storm of any kind you can go through it very quickly.
5. Have an ice scraper handy.
A credit card works in a pinch but it's a slow process. Invest a few dollars and buy a good ice scraper.
6. Jumper cables.
It's easy to wear out a car battery in winter. Leave an interior light on overnight and your car could be dead in the morning. If you have jumper cables with you all you need are the instructions and another car to give you a boost and you'll be good to go. Remember to give your car a good long run to recharge the battery before turning it off again.
7. Emergency car kit.
The road trip kit from AAA has booster cables, flashlight, air compressor, and a first aid kit.
8. Sand or kitty litter.
Going someplace where the snow will be a real challenge? Pack a bag of sand or kitty litter to put under your power wheels to help you out of a slippery spot.
22 Winter Driving Tips
Available on Amazon.
1. Know how to stop in the snow.
There are two basic methods to slow down and stop and the one you should use depends on your vehicle. If you have ABS brakes (most people do as they became mandatory in 2004) and you have to brake in slippery conditions, push hard on the pedal and leave your foot there until you stop. You'll notice a vibration and noise as the system does the work for you. If you don't have ABS brakes, you'll need to pump the brakes to keep your car moving in a straight line. Here's a video on how that works.
2. Turn off traction control when necessary.
Traction control is great in most conditions but if you're at a dead stop and stuck in snow it is your enemy. Turn the traction control off temporarily while you get moving. Watch the video at the end of this section.
3. Be prepared for black ice.
Black ice can form in two ways: when there is a very light rain and the temperature drops quickly to freezing or when the temperature is just below freezing and the sun melts snow on the road then freezes when the sun goes down. In both cases, pavement that was wet but clear suddenly develops a layer of transparent ice. When you hit a patch of black ice with one tire while the other still has traction, you can be sent into a spin. Drive under control for the conditions.
4. Never pass a snowplow.
If you get stuck behind a snowplow, be patient and stay there. There's no advantage to passing and, given that they are pushing snow out of the way, it can be very dangerous.
5. Rock, don't spin.
If you get stuck in snow, don't spin your wheels. Doing so will create an ice slick beneath your tires and make it impossible to get out. Press the gas then remove your foot. Repeat a few times until you get a rocking motion going with your car and then enough momentum to move forward.
6. Keep your lights on.
On your solo winter road trip, always have your lights on so that you are more visible from the front and from behind. Visibility helps prevent accidents caused by others.
7. Use low beams in storms.
If you're driving in a snow storm, only use your low beams. You may be tempted to turn on your high beams because instinct says you will be able to see better but, in fact, high beams will cause a reflection off the snowflakes and make visibility more difficult.
8. Clean your lights.
When you stop for gas, clean off your front and rear lights. They may have become covered in snow and slush as you traveled.
9. Be especially careful on bridges.
With wind rushing above and below bridges, the road tends to be colder and can have more ice on it. Be especially aware of ice on bridges and slow down.
10. Don't use cruise control.
You need total control of your car so don't turn it over to technology when the roads are not clear.
11. Clean the snow off your car completely.
Some people think that they need to clean off just enough snow so that they can see properly. Wrong! Clear the snow off your hood so that it doesn't blow up onto your windshield and blind you. And clean the snow off your roof so that it doesn't blow off your car and blind the person in the car behind you.
12. Pull over safely.
If the weather gets really bad, find a safe place to pull over, such as a parking lot. Do not pull over on the shoulder of a highway as people may lose sight of the lanes in bad conditions and not see you until the last minute. You do not want to be hit. If you have little choice, try to pull over under a bridge where you may be more noticeable.
13. Kick the snow off your boots.
There are two reasons for this. Snow stuck on the bottom of your boots gives you less control over the car pedals. Also, the less snow in your car, the less melted water there will be, and the less vapor to fog your windows.
14. Don't wear bulky boots.
You want to have a good sense of the pedals beneath your feet so wear footwear that is warm and allows you to feel the pedals.
15. Go manual if possible.
A manual transmission is preferable in winter. It offers much more control. If you have the option of driving stick, do so.
16. Stay in your lane.
If there's lots of snow on the road it will be difficult to see the lane markings on a highway and to pass safely. It's best to stay in your lane and follow the car ahead with enough distance so that you can stop safely should you need to. The rule of thumb is that in poor driving conditions there should be 4-6 seconds between you and the car in front of you. Think 4-6 car lengths.
17. Don't drive with your jacket in the back seat.
It's tempting to shed your jacket in a warm car to be comfortable but should you have an accident or another incident that cuts the heat and prevents you from getting to your jacket easily, you'll be glad you kept it on.
18. Fill up often.
Don't let your gas gauge drop much below half a tank on a solo winter road trip. I know, this means more stops for gas but should you break down, you'll be glad of the fuel to keep your car and its heater going.
19. Know the weather forecast.
Know what you're getting into by checking the weather forecast. Snow can be handled but it's important that you avoid whiteout or black ice conditions. If there is a call for snow, check with a local about your route choice. There is a road north of Toronto that often goes to whiteout conditions quickly due to wind blowing snow over clear fields. Routes nearby are not affected in the same way and are safer to drive.
20. Always clear the ice off your windows completely.
There's less room for error when you drive in winter conditions, and it's all up to you on a road trip alone. Don't compromise your visibility by not completely clearing the ice off your windows. It may be cold. The ice may be thick. But it's worth taking the time to do a good job.
21. Take a break.
Driving in challenging conditions, especially on a solo winter road trip, is more tiring than the usual road trip. Know how far it is to the next place you can pull over for a warm drink. Plan to take frequent breaks along the way.
22. Slow down.
It's not a brilliant tip but necessary to mention. When the roads have snow, ice, slush–or worse, black ice–on them, your car will take longer to slow and stop than on clear roads. You will need to drive more slowly in winter conditions than at other times of the year.
What to Do If You're Stranded Driving in Winter
It's important to prepare for the possibility of being stranded in your car.
1. Call 911 and conserve your phone.
2. Use the winter survival kit you brought with you.
You can purchase these at many hardware stores. It should include water and a few food items in addition to flares and the like. Here's a winter survival kit on Amazon.
3. Layer your winter clothes.
It can be tempting to take off your bulky winter clothes when on a trip, but don't put them in the trunk or out of easy reach. Should you be stranded, you'll want them close by. Should you be in an accident, you'll want to be wearing them.
4. Stay in your vehicle and do the following.
According to the National Weather Service, you will likely get disoriented if you leave your vehicle. Tie something bright to your car so that you will be more easily spotted by rescue crews and, once the snow has stopped, raise the hood of your car.
5. Stay warm and carbon monoxide safe.
Run your vehicle about 10 minutes every hour while cracking your window. Make sure that your exhaust pipe isn't covered in snow.
A winter road trip alone can be fabulous. Take care and have fun! Here is something to add to your enjoyment: 50 Road Trip Songs: The Ultimate Solo Playlist.
Looking for some more inspiration? Have a look at our Road Trip Tips and Itineraries for Solo Travelers, including stories from readers. Have you enjoyed a solo winter road trip? Consider submitting a Solo Travel Destination post to share your story.