The one big secret of solo travel is that it's all up to you. Realistically, this can be both an upside and a downside to solo travel. But, do it right and it's all upside.
Solo travel has been one of the top trends in travel for almost a decade now. Every year, predictions of what will be hot in travel have included an increased interest in traveling solo.
Whether you're an experienced solo traveler or more solo travel curious, you are in the right place. With over 500 posts on how, why, and where to travel solo, this site is the top resource for all who travel alone.
For those solo travelers looking for group travel, we have that covered as well. Review the All Trips page to see what tour and cruise companies are offering specifically for solo travelers. Use the Searchable Trips page to drill down and uncover trips that are more specific to your travel dreams.
12 Secrets of Solo Travel
You can make these ten secrets all upside experiences.
- What happens in destination X stays in destination X. There's only you to reveal what you did on your trip. You decide how much to tell, and what not to tell. Here's the origin story of the “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” line.
- No judgment. No one knows whether you splurged at a Michelin restaurant or ate at McDonalds. You can loll in bed for hours in the morning or get up with the sunrise. There's no judgment from anyone.
- Eavesdrop with impunity. Oh, the things you hear from other travelers and the things you learn about the culture of your destination!
- The chance to be invisible. There's no pressure to be a participant even if you're fascinated by what you see. You can be an observer and no one pays attention to you.
- No expectations from others. No one is waiting for you to do anything. Not work, family, friends – the pressure is off. You are on your schedule. You do what interests you.
- You grow more when traveling alone. Every choice you make is an exercise in decision-making. Whether it involves research and major decisions before your trip or where to eat breakfast, all the options are yours for the choosing. This is skill development on the road. Read Travel Solo and Practice 3 Essential Life Skills.
- Self-indulgence is yours. Everyone has their own sense of what an indulgence is. You can abandon yourself to whatever yours is. This is one of the best secrets of solo travel.
- Getting lost is exciting. Now, obviously, safety is a factor here, but getting lost can result in the most interesting experiences and amazing discoveries. With no one waiting for you, you are free to explore at your whim.
- You own your travel story. Have you ever tried to tell a travel story only to be interrupted by the person you traveled with? When you travel solo, there is no one to interrupt you, no one to contradict you. Your stories are adventurous (because you're solo) and they are yours alone.
- You'll meet more people. Without doubt, I meet more people when traveling alone than I do when traveling with someone else. Facing out into the world rather than focusing on a travel partner makes you more open and people step in.
- Solo travel is not lonely. Some people fear their own company. They fear they will only have their own company. If you are not confident about the statement above, build opportunities to meet people into your trip. Read How to Travel Alone Without Being Lonely: 10 Tips and 6 Short Stories.
- Couples envy the solo traveler. I often see couples struggling as they travel. I've often been told that they would love to take off on their own but, for a variety of reasons, they don't. They can see the solo travel secrets mentioned above and want them. I think the value of solo travel compared to couple travel is best expressed by one of our readers. “I've been travelling as a solo traveller for over two decades, with the exception of a few city breaks and a week or two on city breaks with a partner. I'm now in the middle of 3 months away with my girlfriend. The dynamics of travelling with someone is a lot more challenging than travelling by yourself, trust me on this one!”